Hydration Is the Key!

There’s no question, water is the key to life. Water helps us absorb and digest our nutrients and eliminate toxins. Water lubricates our joints, helps protect our tissues, and gives flexibility to our muscles, tendons, cartilage and bones. Each of our cells contains water. Like a fish tank, the better the condition of the water, the healthier the fish.

We need to be sure we consume sufficient amounts of good water, and the evidence is mounting that water with a higher pH, and high levels of negative ORP has been providing more stamina, less fatigue and better cellular hydration, flushing out the toxins and helping the body operate at peak efficiency.

Most people drink lots of fluids, but not enough water. In fact, with the SAD Diet (Standard American Diet) a lot of us are consuming alarming amounts of processed foods, soft drinks, refined sugars, and other convenience items in lieu of the fresh, whole foods that have been shown to provide a much richer source of nutrients. Unfortunately for a lot of people, about the only time they drink water is to swallow their medicine. To be properly hydrated our cells need an ongoing supply of water to help speed repair and help reduce the buildup of lactic acid. If your body is not properly hydrated at the cellular level, your health and well-being will not only suffer, but your athletic performance will falter. Drinking Kangen Water™ is an excellent source of improved hydration.

Kangen Water™ is ionized, restructured water that supplies the body with extra free electrons that can be used to help neutralize disease-causing free radicals in your body. Kangen Water™ has an alkaline pH along with a strong NEGATIVE “ORP” Oxidation Reduction Potential—which makes it a very potent antioxidant. Soft drinks, sports drinks and even most of the bottled waters, have acidic pH and positive ORP—that means they’re not antioxidants; they’re actually oxidizing your body.

Antioxidants are substances such as vitamins C and E, beta carotene and selenium, that may prevent damage to your cells or even repair damage that has been done. Antioxidants may also improve immune function and perhaps lower your risk for infection and cancer. Antioxidants work by slowing or preventing the damage caused by free radicals that can lead to cell dysfunction and the onset of problems like heart disease and diabetes*.

While the body has its own defenses against oxidative stress, these defenses are thought to become less effective as we age. Research suggests that free radicals play a part in a number of degenerative diseases associated with aging, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s**. Kangen Water™ contains large quantities of negatively charge ions that act as antioxidants in the body. These ions are measured and expressed as “ORP”—Oxidation Reduction Potential. ORP is a measurement of the Oxidation Reduction Potential of a liquid. Positive numbers mean oxidizers, negative numbers are antioxidants. So Oxidation/Antioxidant potential is measured just like golf: the lower the score the better. The pH however, is like baseball, low scores are bad, below 7 (which is neutral) they mean a solution is acidic. Kangen Water™ contains the greatest antioxidant potential of any water!

Examples of popular beverages with their ORP and pH:


Thank you Amy Tyler for putting this article together!