Sugar scrubs are a great way to exfoliate and soften your skin.  The festive fall scrub is gentle on your skin and has a spicy fall aroma.


            3/4 cup white sugar                                        4 drops Cassia essential oil

            1/2 cup fractionated coconut oil                    4 drops Clove essential oil

                                                                                    2-4 drops Ginger essential oil

** You can use brown sugar or sea salt in place of white sugar and almond oil, grapeseed oil, or olive oil in place of coconut oil

Directions:     1.  Combine sugar and oil in a bowl

  1. Add essential oils
  2. Stir until mixture is the consistency of a slushy.  You may need to add more sugar or oil for desired consistency.

Recipe taken from Doterrablog

For more Essential Oil by Doterra visit the link below:


*Statements have not been evaluated by FDA.  Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.